Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Beginning of Me

Okay so my life so far has been weird, you could say. My personality isn't really that uncommon. I have had my ups and downs throughout life, and hopefully intend to have some more ups. Right now I'm just trying to make my way through high school without going insane, which is highly unlikely. Anyways, my dream job is to work in advertising and creating slogans and billboards. My favorite place in the world is New York City. Ever since I've been there years ago, i fell in love with it. However there is one small catch, i live in San Jose, California. The opposite side of New York. Another catch is, i am totally and completely broke. Something that sucks even more is that the rest of my friends can afford all of the newest things. It's not like I'm jealous or anything, it's just that it gets annoying at times because they don't really appreciate all of their things. Any how, lastly what everyone should know about me is that i LOVE Percy Jackson and the Olympians; The Lightning Thief, and the Twilight Saga. I do prefer the books over the movies, but i usually want a visual for my over active imagination. Well that's it or now, and this is My Not So Fake Life.